50 research outputs found

    Sliceformer: Make Multi-head Attention as Simple as Sorting in Discriminative Tasks

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    As one of the most popular neural network modules, Transformer plays a central role in many fundamental deep learning models, e.g., the ViT in computer vision and the BERT and GPT in natural language processing. The effectiveness of the Transformer is often attributed to its multi-head attention (MHA) mechanism. In this study, we discuss the limitations of MHA, including the high computational complexity due to its ``query-key-value'' architecture and the numerical issue caused by its softmax operation. Considering the above problems and the recent development tendency of the attention layer, we propose an effective and efficient surrogate of the Transformer, called Sliceformer. Our Sliceformer replaces the classic MHA mechanism with an extremely simple ``slicing-sorting'' operation, i.e., projecting inputs linearly to a latent space and sorting them along different feature dimensions (or equivalently, called channels). For each feature dimension, the sorting operation implicitly generates an implicit attention map with sparse, full-rank, and doubly-stochastic structures. We consider different implementations of the slicing-sorting operation and analyze their impacts on the Sliceformer. We test the Sliceformer in the Long-Range Arena benchmark, image classification, text classification, and molecular property prediction, demonstrating its advantage in computational complexity and universal effectiveness in discriminative tasks. Our Sliceformer achieves comparable or better performance with lower memory cost and faster speed than the Transformer and its variants. Moreover, the experimental results reveal that applying our Sliceformer can empirically suppress the risk of mode collapse when representing data. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/SDS-Lab/sliceformer}

    A Quasi-Wasserstein Loss for Learning Graph Neural Networks

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    When learning graph neural networks (GNNs) in node-level prediction tasks, most existing loss functions are applied for each node independently, even if node embeddings and their labels are non-i.i.d. because of their graph structures. To eliminate such inconsistency, in this study we propose a novel Quasi-Wasserstein (QW) loss with the help of the optimal transport defined on graphs, leading to new learning and prediction paradigms of GNNs. In particular, we design a "Quasi-Wasserstein" distance between the observed multi-dimensional node labels and their estimations, optimizing the label transport defined on graph edges. The estimations are parameterized by a GNN in which the optimal label transport may determine the graph edge weights optionally. By reformulating the strict constraint of the label transport to a Bregman divergence-based regularizer, we obtain the proposed Quasi-Wasserstein loss associated with two efficient solvers learning the GNN together with optimal label transport. When predicting node labels, our model combines the output of the GNN with the residual component provided by the optimal label transport, leading to a new transductive prediction paradigm. Experiments show that the proposed QW loss applies to various GNNs and helps to improve their performance in node-level classification and regression tasks

    Regularized Optimal Transport Layers for Generalized Global Pooling Operations

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    Global pooling is one of the most significant operations in many machine learning models and tasks, which works for information fusion and structured data (like sets and graphs) representation. However, without solid mathematical fundamentals, its practical implementations often depend on empirical mechanisms and thus lead to sub-optimal, even unsatisfactory performance. In this work, we develop a novel and generalized global pooling framework through the lens of optimal transport. The proposed framework is interpretable from the perspective of expectation-maximization. Essentially, it aims at learning an optimal transport across sample indices and feature dimensions, making the corresponding pooling operation maximize the conditional expectation of input data. We demonstrate that most existing pooling methods are equivalent to solving a regularized optimal transport (ROT) problem with different specializations, and more sophisticated pooling operations can be implemented by hierarchically solving multiple ROT problems. Making the parameters of the ROT problem learnable, we develop a family of regularized optimal transport pooling (ROTP) layers. We implement the ROTP layers as a new kind of deep implicit layer. Their model architectures correspond to different optimization algorithms. We test our ROTP layers in several representative set-level machine learning scenarios, including multi-instance learning (MIL), graph classification, graph set representation, and image classification. Experimental results show that applying our ROTP layers can reduce the difficulty of the design and selection of global pooling -- our ROTP layers may either imitate some existing global pooling methods or lead to some new pooling layers fitting data better. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/SDS-Lab/ROT-Pooling}